1. Mark the corner point holes of your acrylic template pieces onto the wrong side of your fabric on each piece. |
2. Use small sharp pointed scissors to make snips about two-thirds of the way into the Wonder Tape on an angle. Be careful not to snip all the way through. (This is similar to clipping your curves on sewn curved seams in apparel construction.) |
3. Place the sticky side of the tape on the right side of curved edge of one side of Piece A fabric on the right side. Leave the paper in place on the top side until you have the tape applied to the entire length to be sewn as shown in the illustration above. |
4. When you are ready to stitch Piece C to Piece A, peel off the paper from the Wonder Tape as shown in the photograph above. |
5. With right sides together, match the end points where you will begin sewing. |
6. Once you have the two ends matched together, you will work your way toward the center, pressing the fabric edges together so that the edges line up perfectly without any tucks or puckers. |
7. If the pieces do not line up perfectly, simply pull apart the two sections and reposition them until you have the pieces lined up exactly. |
8. Once they are taped together, open them up to make sure the pieces will lie flat. If you are satisfied that they match up properly, stitch them with 1/4″ seam, stitching slowly and raising your presser foot with your needle down as you pivot around the curve. |